4-7 Jul 2023 Marseille (France)
Mindful-Touch Education
Rita Griesche  1@  
1 : Mindful-Touch Education

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced humanity to rethink how we teach and learn, and digitalisation is deeply changing our lifestyles. As a result, the sense of touch and its potential for health and well-being has come into focus. Humans are social creatures and touch is a need. It defines and connects us. 

However, children are being more touch deprived than ever before. This disconnect has culminated in the highest rate ever in bulling, aggression, violence, and suicide. One educational warning is the increasing number in mental health and behavioural disorders at schools.

Supportive and caring touch improves our relationships and fosters self-awareness, bonding, and learning. Touching prevents serious personality disorders and enhances our immune system. However, evidence of abusive touch has increased the fear and has developed into a taboo of social touch at schools. 

In our human history we have developed tools and skills that use the “power of touch” for wellbeing and health. When children are taught positive and mindful touch at school, they can learn how “to make contact” and “care” for each other, how to “respect” boundaries, ask for permission and learn about limits, for themselves and others.

Mindful-Touch Education acts by proposing to incorporate the sense of touch into primary school education as part of an integrative initiative for 21st century education. This creative, respectful, and interactive project is contributing to enhance SDG 4 on the UN global agenda and EU vision of holistic human health perspective and more peaceful and balanced community welfare.

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