4-7 Jul 2023 Marseille (France)


Emergency number in France: 112 (English speaking) or 114 for hearing assistance

112 - European phone number for any emergency requiring an ambulance, fire services or police when traveling in a European country; for foreigns who do not know emergency numbers in France.

There are three main emergency services in France: the medical service (SAMU), the fire brigade (sapeurs-pompiers), and the police (Police Nationale or Gendarmerie Nationale). In an emergency, you can call the following numbers from any phone in France:

Medical service: 15 (French speaking)
Police: 17 (French speaking)
Fire service: 18 (French speaking)

You should use the numbers above in a genuine emergency or life-threatening situation, such as for serious medical issues, fire-related incidents and to report crimes.

Pharmacies/Chemist/Drug Store
Pharmacies are generally open from Monday to Saturday from 08:30 to 19:30. Many pharmacies close between 12:00 and 14:00, although in shopping centres and large towns, pharmacies will stay open non-stop. At least one local pharmacy will be open on Sundays. Details of and schedule for this "duty pharmacy" (pharmacie de garde) can be found in every pharmacy window, in local newspapers or by contacting the local commissariat.

Find a duty pharmacy (in French): Enter or validate your area postcode when prompted; then choose the time a pharmacy is required when prompted. The details of available pharmacies are given. Tel: 32 37 https://www.3237.fr/

Lost/stolen mobile phones
If you lose your mobile phone in France, you should call your service provider to block the phone. If you think the phone was stolen, you should also report it to the police, providing your IMEI number.

Lost/stolen bank cards
If you lose a bank card in France, you need to block it, so nobody else can make transactions. The emergency phone numbers in France for major card providers are:
- Visa: 0033 8 00 90 11 79
- Mastercard: 00 33 8 00 90 13 87
- American Express: 00 33 1 47 77 70 00

Other information https://www.angloinfo.com/how-to/france/healthcare/emergencies

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