4-7 Jul 2023 Marseille (France)

Posters > Posters by author > Cleland Luke

Plantar cutaneous afferent responses to behaviorally relevant forces
Luke Cleland  1, 2, *@  , Erika Howe  3@  , Christopher Nester  4@  , Kristen Hollands  4@  , Reeves Joanna  5@  , Nicholas Strzalkowski  6@  , Leah Bent  3@  , Hannes Saal  1, 2@  
1 : Active Touch Laboratory, Department of Psychology, University of Sheffield
2 : Insigneo institute for in silico medicine, University of Sheffield
3 : Neurophysiology Lab, Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences, University of Guelph
4 : School of Health Sciences, University of Salford
5 : Department of Public Health & Sport Science, University of Exeter
6 : Department of Biology, Mount Royal University
* : Corresponding author

The foot sole is the primary interface between the body and environment, carrying information about the surface upon which we are standing and contributing to balance and gait. Existing research into the responses of tactile afferents at the foot sole has used carefully controlled low-amplitude stimuli to identify afferent firing thresholds and characterise response properties. However, such stimuli are not reflective of those experienced by the foot sole during everyday behaviour, limiting the generalisability of current experimental results to real-world behaviour. To fill this gap, we presented load profiles comparable to those experienced during gait, with forces of up to 35 N/cm2, and recorded afferent responses using microneurography. We found that greater forces and slower rates of loading influence afferent classes to different extents: slowly adapting afferents exhibit greater firing rates to high force-low derivative stimuli, whereas fast adapting afferents respond more to low force-high derivative stimuli. We then use a computational model of foot sole cutaneous afferents to replicate experimental firing rates observed during microneurography. Using this new knowledge, we simulate tactile responses in response to spatiotemporal pressure patterns during gait. Combining experimental and computational methods affords the opportunity to provide new-found insight into the role that tactile feedback plays during natural behaviours, such as standing balance and gait.

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